Friday, 22 June 2012

Raspberry Pi Testing!

I received my Raspberry Pi earlier in the week, just getting used to the seeing a computer so small!!!

Below are some images of the Raspberry Pi. I have tested out a few basic Python scripts. Great Fun :)

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Mari Evil Head Texturing Timelapse Video

Below is a quick video showing a little bit of the texturing process that I did on my Evil Head model. The mesh was modelled in Maya and Zbrush and the Textuing was done in Mari.

Devils Angels and Dating Short Animation

Hello, so this is the first time I have added to my blog in ages!!!
The film 'Devils Angels and Dating' by Michael Cawood is finally finished and it looks great.

I will be updating this blog on a regular basis so please do check back from time to time. I will be adding tutorial and freebies too :)

Maya Command Line Rendering

Here is a quick tutorial showing the basics of command line rendering in for Maya.