ICM Studios provides an Animation and Visual Effects Service as well as Web Design and Development based in Crowborough, East Sussex. We are just outside Tunbridge Wells and have good access to London and it surrounding areas. This blog mainly focuses on VFX and the evolution of the industry.
Sunday, 1 December 2013
Hanging Woman VFX Shot
Sunday, 6 October 2013
Maya Pie Maker
I have made a little script for Maya that creates slices of a pie-chart. Not sure what use it is to anyone but here it is:
global proc mkPie(){
float $percent = `floatField -q -value itemPercent`;
$name = `textField -q -text item`;
$sections = `intField -q -value itemSections`;
//setAttr textForBevel1.text -type "string" ($percent+"%");
$deg = ($percent/100);
$degree = (360 * $deg);
cylinder -ch on -o on -ax 0 1 0 -r 3 -s $sections -hr 0 -n $name -ssw 0deg -esw ($degree+"deg");
nurbsPrimitiveCap 3 1 1;
parent -w bottomCap1 ;
delete $name;
nurbsToPoly -mnd 1 -ch 1 -f 2 -pt 1 -pc 200 -chr 0.1 -ft 0.01 -mel 0.001 -d 0.1 -ut 1 -un 10 -vt 1 -vn ($sections*3) -uch 0 -ucr 0 -cht 0.2 -es 0 -ntr 0 -mrt 0 -uss 1 "bottomCap1";
delete bottomCap1;
string $polyName = ($name+"_mesh");
rename "nurbsToPoly1" $polyName;
setAttr ($polyName+".translateY") 3;
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 $polyName;
polyExtrudeFacet -constructionHistory 1 -keepFacesTogether 1 -pvx 1.239527732 -pvy 0 -pvz 1.499420881 -divisions 10 -twist 0 -taper 1 -off 0 -thickness 0 -smoothingAngle 30 $polyName;
setAttr "polyExtrudeFace1.localTranslate" -type double3 0 0 -1.940407 ;
select -r $polyName; DeleteHistory;
displaySmoothness -divisionsU 3 -divisionsV 3 -pointsWire 16 -pointsShaded 4 -polygonObject 3;
subdivDisplaySmoothness -smoothness 3;
select -cl;
global proc mkEnv(){
polyPlane -n myPlane -sx 10 -sy 10 -h 50 -w 50 ;
displaySmoothness -divisionsU 3 -divisionsV 3 -pointsWire 16 -pointsShaded 4 -polygonObject 3;
subdivDisplaySmoothness -smoothness 3;
setAttr "myPlane.overrideEnabled" 1;
setAttr "myPlane.overrideShading" 1;
setAttr "myPlane.overrideDisplayType" 2;
nonLinear -type bend -lowBound 0 -highBound 1 -curvature 1.6;
setAttr "bend1Handle.rotateZ" 90;
select "bend1Handle" myPlane; group -n "environment";
setAttr "environment.translateX" -5;
global proc mkPieWindow(){
if (`window -exists pieUI`){
deleteUI pieUI;
string $window = `window -title "PIE MAKER :)" -widthHeight 200 300 pieUI`;
columnLayout -adjustableColumn true;
text -label "Percent";
string $itemPercent = `floatField -value 10 itemPercent`;
text -label "Item Name";
string $item = `textField -text "Piece_0" item`;
text -label "Item Sections";
string $sections = `intField -v 4 itemSections`;
button -label "Make Me - go on do it :)" -command "mkPie";
button -label "Environment" -command "mkEnv";
setParent ..;
showWindow $window;
Thursday, 5 September 2013
Latest Nightmare Hunters Trailer is out!
We will put up breakdowns of a couple of the shots soon.
Stun Gun - Iskander Mellakh - http://www.iskandermellakh.co.uk
Beast Tracker - Adam Fenwick - http://www.adamfenwick.co.uk
Saturday, 15 June 2013
Tikis and Mikis - Fund this project
Salvador Simo (www.salvadorsimo.com) is a great Director and Animator that I worked with at MPC. He is currently producing a new animated children's Web series.
If you like good children's animation and want to see more of the project below help by making a donation to Tikis and Mikis on Kickstarter
Check out the video below :)
Monday, 27 May 2013
Nightmare Hunters
Friday, 24 May 2013
Friday, 26 April 2013
Handsome VFX - Amaizing Visual Effects
My good friends in Stratford upon Avon have set up this great vfx company - check out their website :)
Handsome Vfx Showreel from Handsome VFX on Vimeo.
Thursday, 25 April 2013
Ocean Maker - Support the Animators
Director and animator Michael Cawood is helping Lucas Martell produce his latest short animation - Ocean Maker. If you want to help them finish off the rest of the short animation please support them on indiegogo :)
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
FX Tools - Dynamics Tool for Maya
The latest release has just had an edit to where the help guide can be found. I will have time soon update the tool soon - iron out a few of the bugs!
Latest version of the tool
I have uploaded the latest version of the tool - 03/10/13. I will eventually make a dedicated site so it is easier to bug track and fix.
ICM Studios FX Tools 0.3.3. it is not completely done but it works :)This build includes a fix for the bug that stopped the tool working if there was already a locator named locator1.
Previous build
- ICM Studios FX Tools 0.3.2.
- ICM Studios FX Tools 0.3.1.
- ICM Studios FX Tools 0.3.
- ICM Studios FX Tools 0.2.
How to install FX Tools
Below is a quick video tutorial showing you how to install FX Tools :)
I also got a chance to make some updates to the tool, here is a video of some of these updates in action:
It is free to download and use - all we ask is that you credit ICM Studios if you use the tool. All you need to do is add a userSetup.mel file in the maya scripts directory and source the FX_Tools_EffectsMenu.mel I will update this blog every time there is a new release of the tool. I hope you enjoy it :)Thursday, 31 January 2013
ICM Studios Demolishes Building!
Saturday, 12 January 2013
New ICM Studios Idents coming soon!
I have started working with Jonathan Hearn on some new ideas for some Idents for ICM Studios. We are in the early stages of production but we should have something in the next couple of weeks :)
Below is a previous test Ident I created using Maya, Fracture-FX and Renderman Studio.
It should be fun :)
ICM Studios Links
- VFX Repo
- Iskander Mellakh Portfolio
- ICM Studios @ YouTube
- ICM Studios @ Vimeo
- ICM Studios @ CG Talk
- ICM Studios @ Twittler
Great VFX Artists
VFX Studios
- Pickled. Post Production Cloud
- Creative Outpost - Independent Soho VFX Studio
- Superblimp - Animation Studio